Anyway, I went out onto the back deck to look around the edge of the house, to see what I could find out about what exactly was going on. This is what I saw - from just a few feet away.

I took several photos, and they did not move. That gave me a clue. Surely, if they were two males fighting, they would have cut and run, or one at least would have taken the opportunity created by my distracting "flashes", to have escaped (assuming they were fighting).
I took another photo in the dark, of the area over their bodies, to try and determine exactly how they were hanging on. It worked.

Here is a photo of the head of the smaller Possum - (the one on the right). You can see the very large eyes, typical of Possums. The large ears, and the pink nose (with wiry whiskers) is also clearly visible. Their faces are generally regarded as being "cute". (Mind you, the much smaller "Ring-tailed Possums" are definitely cuter, in my opinion.)

I went outside again, and they had left their hanging position (which I sort of knew, because of the thumping sounds). I looked around, and found this scene, up on the roof, overlooking the back deck.
The two Possums, totally relaxed, were cuddling up closely, sitting on the edge of the roof, as if admiring the view of the night sky, together (until I appeared under their noses). Somehow, one feels inclined to caption this: "Did the earth move for you, Darling?"
I guess that some time in the winter, I can expect to hear the "pitter-patter of little feet" (on the roof).
Perhaps I should also acknowledge the title of Mem Fox's best-selling book - "Possum Magic"?
"Red-eye effect"
The severe "red-eye effect" is common with nocturnal animals, when photographed with "flash-lighting". I could have removed it, or adjusted it, but it seemed more normal to leave it as it is, as it is how we see them, when illuminated by car lights, or torches. In daylight, the Possum's natural eye colour is dark brown. But nocturnal animals have developed strong "lenses" in their eyes which accentuates the refracted light effect. Owls, perhaps the most extreme example, have bright yellow eyes, when seen with artificial light.
Amazing photos, Denis. I particularly love the fistfuls of fur... and the romantic shot, red eyes and all.
Thanks Anni,
Yes, I was impressed with the fists full of fur, too.
Interestingly, just as your comment arrived tonight, there was a loud noise on the roof. Sounded like thunder on my tin roof. Nope Possums chasing eachother again. Followed by squeals and squarks. Its not easy being a lady Possum, apparently.
But that was what surprised me so much about the "luvvie duvvie" poses afterwards.
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