Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Spring is really coming now. Wattles galore, Orchids, everything

recently I have been slack with my Blogging, because there is suddenly too much to keep track of, and too much to enjoy.
Too much to share with you all.
Here are just some of the local treasures.

Epacris calvertiana var calvertiana
An endemic plant, named after
a famous early local botanist
Louisa Atkinson, who married James Calvert.
Hence this plant's name.
There is a pink and white form known as
Epacris calvertiana var versicolor
which was named from
a specimen found at Belmore Falls.
Grevillea patulifolia

This next plant is a tiny-flowered heath
with delicious pink flowers
which, when open are clearly "hairy"
on the inner part of the tube
reflecting the generic name Beard Heath.

Leucopogon fraseri
This next plant has a delicious sweet perfume.
It is a small shrub, a Logania.
Logania albiflora

Two tight-growing Mistletoes on Eucalyptus seiberi

A fabulous specimen of Grass Tree
Xanthorrhoea australis

Boronia microphylla
I love the pungent odour produced
when brushing past these low shrubs
in the bush.
A classic Sydney Sandstone bush-scent experience.

Leaves and flowers of Boronia microphylla

Caustis flexuosa

Leaves of non-flowering Chiloglottis Orchids
growing on a near-vertical mossy bank.

Conospermum tenuifolium
Sprawling Smoke-bush

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