It's an awful mouthful for a dedicated group of local people who have done a terrific amount of work reviewing all the papers produced by the Sydney Catchment Authority in justification of their proposal to pump the Kangaloon Aquifer.

That is in stark contrast to the fact that the SCA is going ahead with developing the borefield as fast as they can (see photo at left, from 14 October 2006)
Anyway, their report is an important document, and it deserves to be more widely available than it currently is. It has been in the public domain at least since 1 November 2006, but it was actually submitted to the SCA in September 2006.
Butler's Swamp.
A wetland of
National Significance.
A vital part of the
Kangaloon Aquifer system.

It deserves wider distribution, so it has now been published - on a dedicated site.
"Upper Nepean Groundwater CRG Report"
I am not a member of this Community Reference Group. I am merely serving to publicise their findings - in the public interest.
Late Breaking News.
I have just spoken with Donna Sowry, Community Relations Manager, Metropolitan Water Plan, for the S.C.A. She assures me that the Report of the Upper Nepean Groundwater CRG will be up on the web later this afternoon.
The Report is not there yet, but Donna assures me it will be.
DJW 5:00pm, 28 November 2006
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