Well, Robbo has not had snow, but the weather has been truly awful. Last night was down to 2 degrees Celsius. Today was awfully cold. I was wearing a full rig of clothes, and still needed to add a dressing gown over the top. And even then, my fingers were painfully cold.
Yesterday I took some photos of the wind we were having. Now, most of the time the wind is invisible (unless it has clouds of fog swirling around in it). But I was fascinated watching the trees swirling around. So I realised I could photograph the wind, after all.
Well, it is not all that easy. The slow shutter experiments were too swirly to mean anything. So, I have settled for photos which show the backs of leaves as their branches were blown around.

The first is a photo of a Buddleia, growing up on the mound in front of my house. It was this plant which first got my attention, as I was inside the house trying to stay warm, but I was looking out the bedroom window, directly at this plant. This plant has a silver back to the leaf, which makes it stand out as it swirls around.
Several months ago I pruned the tall branches of this shrub to protect it from exactly these conditions, as the longer branches were likely to catch too much wind, and risk damaging the plant, or even having it torn out of the ground.

The second photo is of a "Cedar Wattle"
(Acacia elata). This lovely tree is very fast growing, but I worry that it might also be damaged by wind. So, as the tree was very small, I allowed it to branch out very close to the ground. As a result, it is supported by some low-growing branches which actually rest upon the ground. Hopefully this will offer enough support to keep the plant alive, despite these terribly strong winds.

The tips of this plant have a delightul soft red tone. In this photo, you can see the strongly swirled effect of the wind, producing blurred images on the more obvious branches of the Acacia elata, and the closer Acacia. That finely divided "ferny leaved" wattle is the sweetly perfumed Acacia mearnsii. It has very pale flowers, with a delightful perfume which on still, warm days, fills the yard with a floral fragrance.
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