Photo: Chris Hocking

But the report also talks about a 40 Km fire control line, in the vicinity of Erica.

Tasmania, mainly on the north-east coast is suffering. Last night up to 18 houses near Scamander were destroyed, apparently. That link will take you to the ABC news website report.It seems odd that after the lead up to these fires being so well publicised in Victoria, that more damage has occured in Tasmania. Was the Lennon Government asleep at the wheel? I wonder. In fairness to them, this report, from the Tasmanian Fire Service does mention 100Km per hour winds. That makes any fire, especially in heavily timbered country impossible to deal with.
One of the captions on the ABC Website, referrring to "Bushfire Summer" (apparently a forthcoming TV program) says:
"We have this incredible view of humans dominating Nature - and we ought to disabuse ourselves of that notion."
An Update:
This link to "The Age" updates you on the latest about the fires.
It also gives you a scary statistic of the area which fires have destroyed in Victoria, over the last 10 days.
250,000 hectares.
For those of you not good on imagining a large number of hectares, try:
2,500 Sq Kilometres, or 25 Km wide, by 100 Km long.
That is the distance from Robertson to Goulburn (one hour's drive on the freeway), and a width from the highway to the escarpment edge, near Bundanoon. It is an area larger than the Southern Highlands, by my reckoning. (Of course, it has not been a single burn, but patches of fire, but that's what it amounts to.)
This link confirms my estimate. The Wingecarribee Shire covers an area of 2,700 Sq Kms.
Imagine if the entire Wingecarribee Region were to have been burnt.
For the pre-metrics amongst you, try:
965 Sq Miles, which is 20 miles by 48 miles.
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