Photo: Beatrice Anderson,
private contributer to
ABC News Website

The CTC@Robertson had a fundraiser last night. The CTC's manager, Rebecca (BJ) was the main co-ordinator of the event. While there were only 8 teams (6 or 8 per team), we did succeed in having a fun time, and we raised over $1000. Special thanks to Howard and Jodie, who acted as MC, host and and quiz master/scorers.
BJ kicked the evening off with a balloon bursting competition, for which the prize was #10, for the person to find the $10 which had been hidden inside one balloon. It is not as straight forward as one might think, as with balloons bursting around our heads, it was hard to make out the difference between bits of spare rubber from balloons and a crumpled up plastic note. This was a fun, noisy and chaotic start to the evening, which just got better and better.
Celebrity naturalist Dr Fritz Lymphenmeyer (from Austria) made a surprise visit to Robbo, for this Fundraiser. He was so awful that people immediately started offering money to get him off the stage!
Howard fined me (outrageously) for supposedly questioning his authority (Of course, I did - he was wrong!). At least he had the good grace to accept my "payment", tucked into the waist band his "undies", while BJ provided the appropriate sound effects, of "stripper music". (This was my insurance that Howard would not be so foolish as to fine me a second time!)
Emma bid top price for some Christmas Lilies which were so fresh they were just starting to open that evening. They have a delicious perfume.
Sarah bid strongly, and took home a magnificent branch of one of David Tranter's wonderful Dorrigo Waratahs, (Alloxylon pinnata) with about 20 flowers on the branch.
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