Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Lilies

These particular Christmas Lilies (Lilium longiflorum) came into flower ten days ago.
I raffled these three stems, each with 3 open flowers and about 8 buds on each stem off for the Chamber of Commerce, as a partial fundraiser for the park furniture in the Big Potato park in the centre of Robertson. Tickets were a mere $1 each. Judy Fisk was the lucky winner. Judy is a great supporter of the Robertson Chamber of Commerce.
I was quite happy to give these flowers away, as I knew that I had a bunch of other bulbs yet to flower. Since then, a further bunch of stems have come into bloom for me, as I knew they would.
They have a delicious perfume and are strategically placed beside the front path to my house. These plants were some which I bought from Bryan H. Tonkin in the Dandenongs, a specialist Lilium grower. My father had some of these plants which he also bought from the same source (many years ago). He rated them very highly as they were the pure species, not a hybrid form. So I grow these plants in memory of my father. I am pleased to see that Bryan H. Tonkin's nursery is still in business - a true test of a reliable nursery.


mick said...

Beautiful flowers and a very nice idea to have scented flowers beside the front path.

Denis Wilson said...

Hi Mick
In fact, last night, the scent was wafting in through my bedroom window (also on the front of the house), so there is a double benefit.
I am a great believer in strategic planting, and I have different plants which flower at different seasons, strategically placed.