Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Friday, October 22, 2010

Red Charm - Herbaceous Peony

This spectacular flower opened yesterday.
It is the Herbaceous Peony "Red Charm" (one of the many showy "hybrid herbaceous Peonies").

I had watched the bud starting to open - over the previous week.
I love it when Red Charm starts to "show colour". I love the contrast between the red and the green.

This was on 14 OctoberOn 18 October it had opened more than half.
Here it is at 8:21 am
Still showing some dew drops on the brilliant scarlet red petals.
Half an hour later, it was a little more open.
At 9:22 am it was fully open and in full glorious colour.
The carpels are just visible in the centre of the flower
amongst all the short "staminodes" (modified stamens)
Late in the day it was starting to close over
It does that to protect the sensitive inner part of the flower.
Late in the afternoon, at 5:05 pm, it had just about "closed up shop."
Early in the morning, on day 2, it was back in business.
Here you see it fully opened again.
What a stunning flower.


mick said...

Your photos of the flowers are always beautiful but it's especially nice to see one in all its stages of growth/blooming. It's like being shown the steps towards the finished product.

Denis Wilson said...

Thanks Mick
Glad you appreciated the time phase.
I had been photographing it every few days till it opened.
Once it "popped" it just kept getting better.
I gave the flower away, to a local cafe, and it was fully open (flat "guard petals") today. They put it on the table as a centre-piece for a lady who was having a birthday.
A nice result all around.

Mark Young said...

Such a vibrant colour! Love the series of images here.