Two weeks ago, a sharp-eyed member of the Australasian Native Orchid Society spotted several spikes of a yellow Orchid growing amongst some Stringybark Eucalypts opposite the Penrose cemetery.

I went back two weeks later to confirm what we thought they probably were - namely
Prasophyllum flavum - the Yellow Leek Orchid.
One of the diagnostic features of this plant is
the crinkled edges to the labellum
(which in Leek Orchids is above the column)
Click to enlarge the image, to see what I am referring to.

The books refer to this plant having a preference for deep forest litter. That's exactly right for the habitat shown in this photo. The only slightly odd thing is that the region is dry sandstone soil. Alan Stephenson has shown me this plant growing in the Nowra region, in deep sandy soil, on sandstone.
Colin Rowan reports that this plant grows in wet forests in the mountains of Victoria.

This plant is regarded as widespread but not common.
As a matter of interest, the Sun Orchids
we had seen here two weeks before had finished flowering.
Those remind me of the cranefly orchids we have here in the us, these photos are all lovely thank you for sharing these rare and beautiful orchids with us!
There are hundreds of orchid photos, if you use the "search this blog" box at the top left of the page, or click on "Ground Orchids" in the "Labels".
Loved your comment about lying in the mud to photograph your Ladies Tresses Orchids.
We have lovely pink ones here - "Spiranthes". Tiny, though but very neatly twisted around the stem.
Thanks for dropping by. I will follow your blog.
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