Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rainbow over Mittagong.

Rainbow over Mittagong
This afternoon, I had to go to Welby, to renew my car registration. Not wanting to waste all the expensive, fossilised Dinosaur blood (petrol) which I use to power my little vehicle, I decided to drive up to Mt Alexandra, overlooking Mittagong (it is not far from Welby).

In truth I thought it a good opportunity to check out the rocky hillside there, for any likely Greenhood Orchids. I did not find any of those, in flower. I did see some "Wasp Orchid" (Chiloglottis) leaves, but no flowers.

looking north-east
from Mt Alexandra
Lena and I love clambering over the rocky outcrops near the car park, at the end of the official road up Mt Alexandra. I think this place is known as "Katoomba Lookout", but I have never been able to see as far as that. Obviously I have not ever chosen the appropriate weather conditions. I can say, however, that I know that one can see Mt Gibraltar (the next hill to the east) from Echo Point, at Leura, in the Blue Mountains. That is probably 80 Km away. So, I do know it is possible to see that far, across the Lower Blue Mountains, over the Cox's River valley - but only on a clear day (or night).

Today, instead of a distant view, I was rewarded with a wonderful rainbow. It was late afternoon, and a brief shower of rain passed over Mittagong, while the sun was shining strongly behind me. Perfect conditions for rainbows.

This rainbow is seen looking out over Mittagong, towards Mt Gibraltar and the ridge east of that town, where the Old South Road passes along.
reflected rainbow
(top left, to lower right)

Lena was taken with the little rock pools which she thinks were there for her benefit (for "drinkies"). Remember, we have had heavy rain recently, and these natural rock pools hold water very well.
These are reflections on pure, natural water, not oil slicks on contaminated water, as one might see in water near a Mechanic's Garage.

Reflected rainbow
(lower left to mid right)
To me, instead of offering "drinkies", these pools provided wonderful reflections, and I was able to find the right angles to capture the faintest of rainbow reflections in this pool. The different angles show the left and right hand ends of the rainbow - as its arc passed low in the sky, to the left and to the right - on the opposite ends of the rainbow.

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