Can that be true?
You bet your sweet Nelly!
Think of it as a subsidy - from the Government - to the Coal industry .
What's wrong with that?
Well, nothing, per se. Except it is a fraudulent exercise in pretend research. What other group of scientists get their grants approved by the Prime Minister, based upon a "back-of-the-envelope" research outline?
And both major Political parties are in a bidding war to out-bid each other, to support this fraud.
Have you ever known a research scientist? I have. They spend their entire lives worrying about their next grant being approved by the research review panels.
Not so, with the "Clean Coal" research proposal.
It is decreed to be funded - by the Prime Minister.
Where are the research applications, the "peer-reviews" of the research programs?
It is all a con. No doubt there are a few boffins in white lab coats.
Len with his home made sign,
to which he sang his adaptation of
"What the world needs now"

The Telegraph's report is here.
Many dogs turned up at the Bowral rally, as well.
These little guys used their sensitive noses to detect
an unauthorised release of Methane
(a major "Greenhouse Gas").
These little guys used their sensitive noses to detect
an unauthorised release of Methane
(a major "Greenhouse Gas").
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