Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Robbo Show 2011 - a sneak preview.

I promise I will not name winners of any classes within the Pavilion exhibition at the Robbo Show. Results are not to be published until the 2011 Robbo Show opens tomorrow morning.

Something for the Environmentalists amongst us.
The Germ of Life - a potato shoot

But I cannot resist showing some of the funniest Vegetable Animal creations you're ever likely to see.

Lucy the Rock 'n Roll, Droopy-eared Rabbit (with Carrot Guitar).
Dorothy the Dinosaur, I believe.
The Smiling Egg Plant
 The Drunken Aussie Day Spud
passed out, still wearing his flag (on his hat).

And now for some more general shots from the Robbo Show Pavilion.

School Kids Art Exhibition

A Chinese Cabbage in a glass jar - to keep it fresh.
It certainly looks good enough to eat.
It looks ready to jump off the shelf and onto my plate.

Just as well I am not a Judge in the Vegies Section
This looks like the perfect Cabbage to me.
Not ridiculously large, just crisp and round and fresh.

The serious part of the Pavilion display - the Produce section.
(My own assessment only)
Artists, photographers, cooks, jam and preserves makers, 
and cut flower and floral artists 
might all line up to beat me to a pulp for that comment.

 First row of Produce exhibits

The second rack of Produce exhibits.

The Robbo Show gets under way tomorrow morning (Friday) 
with Cattle and other animals, and horse riding events
and continues on Saturday, with Ring events, and
general entertainments, the famous Spud Race, 
and concludes with the Demolition Derby and Firework display.
(Please keep your pets safely inside 
on Saturday night when the Fireworks go off).


Brigid said...

As one would expect from Robertson - spuds, spuds and more spuds. Wonderful!

Denis Wilson said...

And Cabbages!
I didn't show the cut flowers, cakes and Jams and Preserves!
A genuine country show.
That's why I love it.
Thanks for the comment!

mick said...

Those are fun vege creations! It sounds like a great show - like the ones I remember from small towns when I was a child and everyone knew everyone else!

Sue Catmint said...

wish i was there ...

Denis Wilson said...

Hi Catmint,
As someone who loves pure Vegies, you would be delighted with the standard of the local growers' efforts.
Denis Wilson.

Denis Wilson said...

Hi Mick
It is very much like that.
Friendly, good-natured rivalry, but not madly competitive.
Lots of fun entries too.

fnkykntr said...

Love the Aussie day spud, very funny. Robertson has lots of wonderful food. I had some beautiful Feta cheese from the Small Cow Farm once and that has made me want to pay a visit, not made it there yet though, maybe this holiday weekend would be a good time!

Denis Wilson said...

Hi Hazel
Our Show is only on Friday and Saturday, so if you are coming up - best hurry.
Failing that, Robbo will still be here.
Small Cow Farm has great cheeses.
If you make the trip, I would be delighted to meet you.
My email is on my Blog profile.

fnkykntr said...

Hi Denis, looks like I will miss the show, shame as it looks fab. Hope to get to Robertson one day if not this weekend - will email when I do, it would be fun to meet a fellow nature blogger!