I am tempted to go to the beach, except for the cost of petrol driving the Daimler (not mine, folks, just borrowed from Derek and Melissa). They use it as a wedding car. I would have to say it is a beautiful car to drive. Jim loves it when I drive out to his farm. He tugs his forelock when I arrive (as is appropriate for the car, anyway).*****
Wayne and I have been watering Jim's young trees, out at the "Southfork of the Southern Highlands", while Jim is off swanning around in "Nu Ziland". I doubt they are having a heat wave in Hamilton. Half his luck. I am sure we are all looking forward to stories from the Milford Track adventure, soon enough.

So, to redress the balance, allow me to present a "Judy in a funny hat" photo from a birthday celebration held some time ago. In fairness, I should say we were all wearing funny hats that night.
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