Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Eagles chased the Whale away.

Forgive the oblique title, but it will become clear, very soon.

I have been writing for days and days, drafting submissions to the Inquiry into the NSW Southern Coalfield - to express concern about the possibility that coal mining will be allowed to expand directly under the Kangaloon Aquifer. Of course, it worries me that coal mining might wreck the Aquifer, which we have been fighting to protect from the ravages of the SCA's Engineers.

Furthermore, as I mentioned yesterday, it also weighs heavily on my mind that it is such a nonsense for the SCA to invest upwards of $100 million in capital in a borefield, only to have the Dept. of Planning allow coal miners to crack the Aquifer, from below, and watch the precious water drain away, into the mines below.

Regular readers will know I am a bit of a "big picture" guy, and so I am subject to feeling the futility of all of this. Especially when the local Robertson and Mt Murray population appears to not show any interest in what I am going on about.

Anyway, my good Pal, Bernie knows me well enough to ask about my welfare today, and I nearly wept with frustration. Bernie refers to this mood of mine, as the "Whales of Doom" consuming me. Don't quite know what it means, but it feels right. Churchill's "Black Dog" is not as evocative, even if it is more easily imagined. But "Whales of Doom" - the image is so big, they can easily swallow one up. And they do - sometimes.

We had a cup of tea, here, with the sun poring into my lounge-room, and I was starting to feel better. Then Kim rang up, and that cheered us all up, and then Mim, and that was great too. Suddenly, while Kim was on the phone, I saw a Wedge-tailed Eagle fly past outside. I grabbed the camera (hooray, it was in reach). I stepped out onto the back deck and there were two eagles flying together above my house. They were "making lazy circles in the sky" (for Oklahoma fans). Oh joy.

I love Eagles, and my good friend Miss Eagle, in Melbourne is nearly obsessed with them. She will tell you all about their almost totemic significance for her - personally (I think it comes from living in the Outback for so long). Also they are very significant for many Aboriginal people - it is known by the name of "Bunjil". It is the symbol for Knox City, in eastern Melbourne, near where M.E. lives. It also features in a huge statue in the Docklands Precinct, near the Spencer Street Station, in Melbourne. I always look out for it when on a train, arriving in Melbourne.

The circle in this photo is my photoshop adjustment -
to show the head a little more clearly.

Look at the white beak (reflected light) but check out
the huge staring eye looking straight down my lens.
(Click on photo to enlarge it.)

Presumably, checking out whether I had a camera, or a gun.
Relax, majestic bird. I love you.

Anyway, to wind up this rambling story, I will simple conclude by saying the "Eagles chased the Whale of Doom away" today.

Tomorrow I shall post some more photos of the Eagles in flight, changing their wing positions, by minute adjustments etc. They understand flying in a way we can barely imagine. It is a glory to watch them.

I shall mark this experience for my "Sense of Wonder" label. I find them truly "awesome" - in a spiritual way.


Unknown said...

Loved the eagles. But obsessed? Who? Moi? Saw on the TV the other day that this artist/sculptor has - after consultation with local Aboriginal people and much discussion about Bunjil - done this huge installation with a beautiful eagle done in outline form with huge rocks. It is in the YouYangs down near Geelong. So I'll have to get down there before too long, won't I.

Blessings and bliss

Denis Wilson said...

Ah, The You Yangs is perfect Eagle country.

I remember well going there many times (when I was a child) with the Victorian Field Naturalists Association (I think that's their correct name). Wild rocky hills, surrounded by open country. Lots of rabbits and lizards to eat. High hills for inaccessible nesting sites; and height - which creates wind which the baby Eagles need to practice their flapping techniques, and strengthen their muscles, prior to their first flight.

So, it is a perfect site for a "homage" to Bunjil.


DBS Young Photography said...

Nice work Denis.
I havent seen your site in a while, as I have been offline.
Lookin' good.