To my amazement, the Blogger system tells me I have published 500 posts. Goodness me - that makes it sound as if I have built a long fence line. I hope it has brought some interest to some of you. I have enjoyed the experience, at least. Thanks to the regular readers (from around the world) and for the comments passed by friends I meet around the village.
Today the
Sydney Male Choir came to Robertson, and the new hall at St John's Anglican Church, on Meryla Street, was filled with an enthusiastic crowd.

Here the MC, Kevin Burg introduces the Sydney Male Choir, and the conductor, Alan Thrift, and the pianist, Lindsay Christian.

The first soloist, Adrian West, sang a song from Brigadoon "Through the Heather on the Hill".

After the interval, the Choir came back "sans jackets", in view of the rising temperature in the hall, packed with people.

Winston sang a beautiful song "Bui Doi", from Miss Saigon. The song was about the mixed race children born in Vietnam, as a result of the Vietnam War.

The audience enjoyed the performance, and at the end, Robert Goldsack thanked the Choir, and invited them to come back to Robertson again next year. That suggestion was enthusiastically endorsed by the audience.
Denis, your adventures, discoveries and thoughts relating to nature have been a source of inspiraion and education for me. Thank you for your genuine delight in sharing your experiences and knowledge. Your blogs are a pleasure to read and re-read.
Thanks Gaye
Its good to have regular readers too, you know.
Thanks to you and many others who have encouraged me along the way.
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