Christmas Bells

Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells - Blandfordia nobilis

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Orange Moon for Celeste

Tonight was Celeste's actual birthday, and after dark an amazing orange-red moon rose through a pall of smoke over the ocean beyond Shellharbour - as visible from the top of Mount Murray, where she lives.

It is eerie looking down over the moon, rising through what I assume was a line of smoke from a bushfire, or a "burn-off". It was truly wonderful but unfortunately, although I had my camera with me, I failed to get a good shot. But these snaps will give you some idea of the colour.

The moon rose clearly enough, but it does not stay still. So, after it rose, it went through a line of cloud, which blocked it; then it reappeared, higher in the sky and a little clearer. But, of course, it had lost most of the wonderful colour, by then. In general, one has less than a minute to get a good shot of the moon, if there is a special light effect, or some other feature of the moon against a tree or hill, or other natural feature.

It was two days past the full moon (by my reckoning) so it is seen against a black sky, but slightly deformed, showing the shadow of darkness in its upper quadrant.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Celeste.


Anonymous said...

hi Denis,

I too, saw the splendid golden moon rise last night against the dark sky in rural Hunter Valley. It was a magnificent sight indeed. After it rose on the cloudless horizon, it disappeared into clouds, then emerged its usual bright-light colour. The orange-gold only lasts a brief time, as you have noted.

Definitely worth braving the cold for a glimpse at the spectacle.


Denis Wilson said...

I am surprised that Gaye from the Huinter also saw the orange moon. She is some 250 Km north from Robertson, past Sydney, past Newcastle, then turn north-west up the Hunter River. I had assumed that it was a localised "burn-off" which was providing the colour. Maybe not, or else, the Forestry people are doing their best to take advantage of calm werather to "reduce fuel load" in the forests, prior to summer.

Anyway, it is significant that Gaye "noticed" it. Celeste and I both commented on the wondrous colour of the moon, but two other men with us at the time said vague things like "Oh, that's nice". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Blessed are the truly observant people - they see more and appreciate it much more.


Anonymous said...

ahh, Denis, no smoke here (other than the usual dust of the Hunter Valley mining operations).

I haven't kept any sort of record (and my memory fails me) of just when these golden-orange just-past-full moon rises occur. And now you have me thinking whether it might be seasonal.

But it was a glorious sight that I hung on to until it was devoured by cloud. I was reading David Young's account, also this morning, of the moon on his blog - no unusual colour, but fantastic shots.

The moon will be late tonight, but I might just get my tripod out and have a go at capturing it. I should have been ready last night, because I was expecting it as i saw the moon rise the previous night just before dark and realised that the following night it should be a sight to behold.


Unknown said...

Denis, wish Celeste a belated happy birthday from me.

Blessings and bliss